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杰出贡献奖获得者  周 俊





       1.天麻(G. elata)化学研究及天麻素的合成


       2.三七(P. notoginseng)根达玛烷型三萜皂苷研究

       1975年周俊、黄伟光、伍明珠、杨崇仁、冯国楣和吴征镒等创造性地将植物化学与植物亲缘系统及分布相结合,发表了《人参属植物的三萜成分和分类系统、地理分布的关系》,纠正三七学名不应为P. pseudo-ginseng var. notoginseng,而应为独立种P. notoginseng F. H. Chen (三七标本属名)。这一成果为《中华人民共和国药典》及药学界采用。鉴于中药多用水煎剂,周俊率先用近现代技术在国内系统开展药用植物水溶性三萜配糖体的研究,由周俊、伍明珠和日本广岛大学田中治合作,除证明三七有人参皂苷Rb1和Rg1等外,发现新三七皂苷如notoginsenoside R1R25个,为国内人参皂苷方面的最早化学研究。系列工作阐明了人参属主要化学成分,为三七药用打下基础并有产业推动作用。

       3.滇重楼(P. polyphrlla var. yunnanensis)与宫血宁








       1.人参属三七的学名有重要意义,何景、曾沧江1973年将三七定为假人参的一个变种,周俊、杨崇仁、吴征镒等改定为P. notoginseng。这一改正在科学上没有疑问,在商业上三七与假人参无关,其意义不言自明。








Prof. ZHOU Jun was born in February 1932. He is a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, also a plant chemist.

In the past 50 years, Prof Zhou Jun and his group took the lead in systematically pharmaceutical research of more than 100 TCM from genus of Dioscorea, Aconitum, Panax, Paris, Cynanchum, Gastrodia, Dendrobium etc. and family Asclepiadaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Hypoxidaceae etc. The main active compositions of those TCM were revealed as steroids, triterpenoids, alkaloids, cyclic peptides and phenols etc., We have found more than 550 new chemical components of medicinal plants including 15 new types, and published 330 academic papers. In addition, there are two monographs: Chinese oil plant and Acorn. Several research achievements, such as diosgenin, colchicine, gastrodin and Gongxuening, have been applied in production for a long time and have produced remarkable social and economic benefits. Combining plant kinship system and geographical distribution with phytochemistry, Prof Zhou and his group has contributed remarkable to the sustainable utilization of medicinal plant resources. He is good at innovation in research methods, such as new detection methods of cyclopeptide. He has trained 17 postgraduate students, 21 doctoral students and 5 doctoral students. He is good at discovering talents, has trained more than 20 academic leaders, active in the field of plant chemistry related research. He established the State Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry and sustainable utilization of plant resources in Western China of Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences and formed its own characteristics, which made great contributions to the discipline development, scientific research organization and personnel training of Kunming Institute of Botany.

Chemistry Research of Important Medicinal Plant Resources and Formation of Pharmaceutical Industry

1. Chemical Studies of Gastrodiaelata and Synthesis of Gastrodin

The chemical constituents of ″Tianma″ were first studied in China by Prof Zhou′s and his group and then the main functional substances of Gastrodia spp. were elucidated. Through pharmacological cooperation, the effective ingredient gastrodin for migraine and sedation was found. After that, the research on synthesis of gastrodin was carried out (completed in 1978) and then transferred to Kunming Pharmaceutical Factory free of charge (there was no transfer system at that time). So far, the production has created economic benefits, such as sales of more than 1 billion yuan in 2018.

2. Study on Dammaran-type triterpenoidsaponins of Panaxnotoginseng

In 1975, Zhou Jun, Huang Weiguang, Wu Mingzhu, Yang Chongren, Feng Guomei and Wu Zhengyong creatively combined phytochemistry with plant kinship system and distribution to developed plant resource and natural products research. Their progress focused on genus Panax was then published as "Triterpenoids from Panax Linn. and Their Relationship with Taxonomy and Geographical Distribution". The work corrected the scientific name of  "Sanqi"  should be independent species of P. notoginseng F. H. Chen, but not P. pseudo-ginseng var. notoginseng. This achievement was adopted by the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China and pharmaceutical circles. In view of the fact that TCM are usually decocted with water, Zhou Jun took the lead in systematically studying on water-soluble triterpenoid glycosides of medicinal plants in China with modern technology. In the cooperation of Zhou Jun, Wu Mingzhu and TianZhongzhi of Hiroshima University, Japan, they developed earliest chemical study on ginsenosides in China. As a results, five new notoginsenosidesaponins, such as notoginsenoside R1 and R2, were found in Panaxnotoginseng. This series of work clarifies the main chemical constituents of Panax, lays the foundation for the medicinal use of Panaxnotoginseng and plays an industrial role.

A systematic chemical study was carried out on six species of Paris, on the basis of which the hemostatic and uterine contraction activities of the main components were studied. The relationship between the structure and activity of pennoside, an effective component of Paris, was clarified.Gongxuening, a drug for gynecological hemorrhage, was developed. Since its production in Yunnan Baiyao Factory in 1986, a Baiyao Group has been formed. One of the main products has produced remarkable social and economic benefits.

Studies on diosgenin: In 1959, China urgently needed to synthesize steroid hormones and diosgenin, a raw material for contraceptives. Zhou Jun and others undertook this task. From 1959 to 1963, they completed the chemical composition and distribution of diosgenin in the genus Dioscorea and found diosgenin for the first time. It is an ideal raw material for synthetic medicine because of its high content. In 1962, Zhou Jun presented his paper to Wu Zhengyong at the Symposium on Natural Product Chemistry held by Shanghai Organic Institute. For the first time, Sect. Stenophora of Dioscorea is the most promising group for searching for diosgenin in China and even in the world. This inference has been proved by long-term practice and won the Excellent Academy of Sciences Award in 1964. In 1987, it joined Jiangsu Institute of Botany and so on. He won the prize of the National Science Congress.

Research on domestic resources of colchicine: The chemical and production technology of domestic resources of colchicine Iphigenia indica and Gloriosasuperba were completed from 1962 to 1964. This achievement was accepted and put into production by Kunming Pharmaceutical Factory in 1973.

Combining phytochemistry with plant relationship and phytogeography to develop the utilization and chemical research of medicinal plant resources

He creatively combines phytochemistry with plant kinship system and geographical distribution and forms characteristics earlier, contributing to the utilization of economic and medicinal plant resources and the development of chemistry. Zhou Jun and his team have systematically studied the chemical constituents and taxonomy of the genus Ginseng, Paris and Velvet, and published the relationship between triterpenoids and taxonomic system and geographical distribution of the genus Ginseng. Zhou Jun and Wu Zhengyi have instructed Li Dezhu, Zhang Zhuangxin and QiuShengxiang on the chemical constituents of Velvet and its related genera. Class-and on the restoration of Vincetoxicum.

1. The scientific name of Panaxginseng is of great significance. He Jing and Zeng Cangjiang designated P. notoginseng as a variety of pseudoginseng in 1973, and Zhou Jun, Yang Chongren and Wu Zhengyi as P. notoginseng. There is no doubt in science that this change has nothing to do with pseudoginseng in commerce, and its significance is self-evident.

2. Acorn: Zhou Jun and his colleagues in the promotion of food practice for generations, Zhou Jun, based on the analysis of starch, oil and mince of Fagaceae plants, published in the fifth issue of Yunnan Academic Research in 1961 "Accumulation of useful substances in plants and their relationship: the distribution of mince in Fagaceae plants", which is a national positive. The first papers on phytochemistry classification were published.

3. Fat Plants in China: Prof. Zhou Jun and JiaLiangzhi have organized more than 20 research institutes in China since 1980 to systematically analyze the fat content, physicochemical properties and fatty acid composition of 814 kinds of oil plants belonging to 397 genera, 108 families. It was compiled and published by Science Publishing House in 1987. In 1990, he won the third prize of National Natural Science.

Systematic Studies on Plant Cyclic Peptides

Zhou Jun's team was the first to systematically study plant cyclic peptides in China, and creatively established a new method for the detection of plant cyclic peptides and explored the synthetic pathways of cyclic peptides. The distribution groups of cyclic peptides in plants were basically clarified and a new classification of natural cyclic peptides was proposed. The structure of cyclic peptides in more than 20 plants, such as Caryophyllaceae, was identified. It was found that Pseudostellariaheterophylla contains cyclic peptides composed mainly of common amino acids and uncommon amino acids. The structure of cyclic peptides and conformation in solution were solved by two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (2D NMR) techniques. The cyclic peptide glycosomes in plants were found for the first time. More than 50 papers have been published, which has become one of the major groups of plant cyclopeptides research in the world and attracted the attention and follow-up research of foreign scholars. At the same time, the existing research results have preliminarily confirmed that cyclic peptides may communicate the evolutionary relationship between Magnoliaceae and Caryophyllaceae, the primitive group of angiosperms.


[video:周俊 杰出贡献奖]


第二届吴征镒植物学奖杰出贡献奖获得者 周俊院士


[video:03.周俊 专访修复版]




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