杰出贡献奖获得者 洪德元
洪德元,生于1937年1月。中国科学院植物研究所研究员,中国科学院院士。从事植物分类与进化研究。 他采用多学科手段对两个类群进行综合研究,取得了具有重要国际影响的成果。其对芍药属(科)的专著研究有重要国际影响。在对该属的整个分布区进行广泛的野外考察和取样,并在65个标本馆观察所有标本后,对性状进行深入研究和统计学分析,对全属进行了分类修订,在英国出版专著系列“PEONIES of the World”。随后利用最先进的转录组技术获取25个单拷贝核基因,揭示了所有9种牡丹真实的系统发生关系,并进一步发现,号称“国色天香”的栽培牡丹原来是中原地区5个野生物种杂交产生的,揭示了栽培物种形成的一种新途径。这一研究结果在国际上反响很大。 他对桔??葡低逞а芯坑卸喔鲋匾⑾?,创立了桔梗科新的分类系统。对党参属及其周围类群的形态、花粉、染色体等进行了深入观察,利用多种手段综合分析了系统发生,发现4个新属,恢复一个属,归并两个属,创立了桔??疲ㄏ烈澹┬碌姆掷嘞低场?“A Monograph of Codonopsis and Allied Genera”由Academic Press和科学出版社联合出版。 他在完成《中国植物志》和“Flora of China”两大项目中作出了突出贡献。在《中国植物志》中主持桔??芠73(2)]和鸭跖草科(13卷)的编研,并参与玄参科[67(2)]的编研。在“Flora of China”中担任副主编,协助主编吴征镒主持工作。先后主持国家自然科学基金委重大国际合作项目,联合主持基金委“三志”重大项目,圆满完成了这一世界最大的英文版植物志,他还在其中完成了13个科的编研。他还与爱丁堡皇家植物园主任联合主编了“Plants of China,A Companion of the Flora of China”。 他发起并主持的“Flora of Pan-Himalaya”体现了中国植物分类学的水平和国际地位。泛喜马拉雅地区包括7个国家,是世界上生物多样性最丰富、最具特色的自然地理区。2011年正式启动,已经组成了国内97位,国外包括英、美、日等14国20位的强大作者队伍。这部植物志的特点是把植物志的传统内容与生物学的最新发展和实际应用紧密结合,对域内各个类群进行分类修订,并有标本引证、模式标本指定和分布地图,具有专著性质。洪德元完成的第一本(47卷)出版后在国内外产生了很好的反响。 他编著了世界上第一部《植物细胞分类学》。此书综合了大量文献和自己的研究成果,对推动我国系统和进化植物学的发展起到了一定作用。 此外,他还为培养、稳定和发展中国植物分类学队伍作出了卓有成效的努力。
HONG Deyuan
HONG Deyuan was born in January 1937.He is a research professor of Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and an academician of CAS. He is an expert in plant taxonomy and evolution. His major achievements include: A Model of Integrated Approach to Systematics Hong made extensive expeditions to entire distribution area of the genus Paeonia L., sampled populations and examined all specimens in 65 herbaria. Subsequently he revised the taxonomy of the whole genus. A monograph series "PEONIES of the World" was published in UK by the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Publishing. His research team revealed real phylogenetic relationship among all the nine species of tree peonies using 25 single-copy nuclear genes. Furthermore, his research team discovered that traditional tree peony cultivars, "King of Flowers" originated from natural hybridization between five species of wild tree peonies from central China, a new way of formation of cultivated species. Studies on Systematics of Campanulaceae Hong conducted extensive field expeditions including seven times to the Himalaya and Hengduan Mountains, examination of a large number of specimens, intensive observations on external morphology, pollen grains, and chromosomes, and phylogenetic analyses using an integrated approach. As a result he found four new genera, restored one genus, reduced two genera, and proposed a new taxonomic system of the family Campanulaceae s. str. "A Monograph of Codonopsis and Allied Genera" was published by Academic Press and Science Press. Outstanding Contribution to "Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae" and "Flora of China" Hong was responsible for the Campanulaceae [Vol. 73(2) ] and Commelinaceae (Vol.13), and a part of the Scrophulariaceae [Vol.67(2) ] in the former. In "Fl. China" he was vice chair, assisting Professor Z. Y. Wu for taking affairs on Chinese side. He was responsible for a Key International Cooperation Program and a Major Scientific Program. Under his great effort, "Fl. China", the largest Flora in English was successfully completed in 2013. Hong himself completed 13 families such as Campanulaceae, Dipsacaceae, Commelinaceae. In addition, he co-edited with Prof. Blackmore "Plants of China, A Companion of the Flora of China". Launching and Upholding "Flora of Pan-Himalaya", the Most-Challenging and Widely Concerned Flora The Pan-Himalaya, covering seven countries, is the richest in biodiversity and the most characteristic natural geographic region in the world. "Flora of Pan-Himalaya" project was launched in 2011, but now a large group of authors, 97 from China, and 20 from 14 countries including UK, USA, Japan, has formed. The most outstanding characteristics of the Flora is the fusion of contents of a traditional Flora with the newest development of biology, and practical usage, and thus it should include taxonomic revision of each group in the area, specimen citation, type designation, and distribution maps, which make the Flora have a feature of monograph. The volume 47, the first one in the series, written by Hong, has been highly evaluated. He also wrote "Plant Cytotaxonomy", the first book in this field. This was compiled consulting a large amount of references and using results of his own researches, and it has played rather important role in promoting the development of systematic and evolutionary botany. Futhermore, he devoted effective effort in training, stabilizing and developing taxonomic personnelin China. |
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