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星耀武,生于19829月。博士,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园研究员,博士生导师。2003年在莱阳农学院(现青岛农业大学)获学士学位,2003-2010年在中科院昆明植物所获硕士、博士学位。2010年至2016年在瑞士苏黎世大学和美国菲尔德自然历史博物馆做博士后研究。2021年获得中国科学院优秀指导教师。目前担任中国科学院热带森林生态学重点实验室主任,《Ecology and Evolution》,《Plant Diversity》、《生物多样性》及《热带亚热带植物学报》编委,系统与进化植物学专业委员会委员,云南省植物学会和生态学会理事。主要利用分子系统、古植物学和生物地理学的综合手段研究被子植物多样性的演变历史及其驱动因素。主要研究结果以第一或通讯作者发表在Science、PNASSystematic Biology、New Phytologist、Evolution, Global Ecology and BiogeographyGondwana Research等刊物上。



1.    横断山植物多样性演化历史


2.    新生代古植物学研究


3.    北半球生物地理学研究




Prof. Yaowu Xing, Principle investigator, PhD supervisor. 2003, Bsc, Laiyang Agricultural University (Qingdao Agricultural University); 2006, MSc, Kunming Institute of Botany, CAS; 2010, PhD, Kunming Institute of Botany, CAS. 2010-2016, University of Zurich, Switzerland and Field Museum of Natural History at Chicago. 2021, received Award for Outstanding Supervisor, CAS. He is the director of CAS Key Laboratory of Tropical Forest Ecology. He is acted as the editor for Ecology and Evolution, Plant Diversity, Biodiversity Science, and Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany, and members of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany Committee, Botanical Society of Yunnan and Ecological Society of Yunnan. He is interested in the Cenozoic diversification history of angiosperms particularly in the Northern Hemisphere. As the correspondence author or first author, his research work was published on international journals, such as Science, PNAS, Systematic Biology, New Phytologist, Evolution, Global Ecology and Biogeography, Gondwana Research and so on.

Dr. XING studies Cenozoic diversification of angiosperms particularly in the Northern Hemisphere by utilizing integrative methods including molecular phylogenetics, biogeography and paleobotany. His main research achievements include:


1.    Plant Diversification in the temperate biodiversity hotspot, Hengduan Mountains: Dr. Xing and his team developed a new joint model of biome occupation, geographic range evolution, and lineage diversi?cation to infer how alpine biotas of the Hengduan Mountains, Himalaya and QTP were assembled through time based on multiple clades analysis. They found that extant alpine lineages in the Hengduan Mountains emerged since the early Oligocene representing the earliest alpine flora on Earth. Hengduan Mts are not only the cradle for alpine species but also the primary source colonizing the Himalaya and QTP. The rich alpine ?ora of the THH region has been shaped by a long and complex history of colonization, local recruitment and in situ diversi?cation driven by mountain building and climate change especially during the Neogene.

2.    Cenozoic Paleobotany: He assists on the paleobotanical research in Southwest China. He and his team has published multiple new taxa and floras which improved our understanding of past plant diversity in this region. He proposed the hypothesis that the Eastern Asia monsoon evolution has largely shaped the biodiversity evolution in SW China. He has built the largest Cenozoic angiosperm dataset so far. He found that the three main large floras have been established as early as the beginning of the Cenozoic, and dispersal barriers and climatic changes played important roles in shaping biogeographical patterns of Cenozoic woody angiosperms. Paleoclimate reconstructions indicate that retreat of the Paratethys Sea played an important role in shaping the climate pattern of Eurasia.

3.    Biogeography history of the Northern temperate region: He and his team has studied diversification histories of multiple clades including Fagales, Ulmaceae, Juglandaceae and disentangled the formation of current flora in the Northern Hemisphere. They found that the warm and humid climate stimulated the expansion of evergreen broadleaved forests in the early Paleogene, the global cooling and intensification of seasonality promoted the diversification of deciduous taxa and southward retreat of tropical lineages which consequently shaped the formation of northern temperate flora. Extinctions in Europe and high latitudinal regions induced by rapid cooling after the middle Miocene led to the current regional disparity in species diversity. The North Atlantic land bridge and Europe played more critical roles than previously thought in linking the floras of East Asia and North America.



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