青年创新奖获奖者 高连明
高连明,生于1972年12月。博士,中国科学院昆明植物研究所研究员。主要从植物分类与系统发育、植物DNA条形码、谱系地理学以及生物多样性?;さ妊芯?。 他系统开展了红豆杉属物种的谱系地理学和?;ひ糯а芯?。通过对须弥红豆杉复合群的谱系地理学研究,发现该复合群包括了7个不同的谱系,且具有强烈的谱系地理结构,提出了高山和峡谷等景观效应导致该复合群谱系分化的观点。将居群遗传学、谱系地理学和生态位模拟等方法运用到喜马拉雅红豆杉的居群历史和物种形成研究中,发现该种包括两个明显不同的谱系,提出了横断山隆升和亚洲夏季风加强导致两个谱系生态物种形成的观点,澄清了两个谱系不同的居群动态历史和现代地理分布格局的成因,为喜马拉雅横断山区物种的形成提供了新案例?;谘鞑椤⒁糯嘌苑治龊蜕荒D庥朐げ獾确椒ㄑ芯恐泄幌猜砝诺厍於股际糁参锏谋;ひ糯В⑾趾於股贾参镒匀桓氯?,且遗传多样性低,据此提出了科学的保护对策。将DNA条形码、标本统计分析等融入综合分类学的研究思路用于红豆杉属和杜鹃属的分类学研究,澄清了分类学疑难问题,并发表红豆杉属和杜鹃属新种2个。参与和推动了植物DNA条彤码研究的合作,共同提出种子植物核心条形码新标准,推荐了裸子植物matK和ITS2的高通用性引物组合,并结合研究实践,编制了植物DNA条形码研究技术规范,推动了我国植物DNA条形码研究的发展。
GAO Lianming Dr. GAO Lianming was born in December 1972. He is a Professor of Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His major research interests include plant taxonomy, molecular phylogenetics, population genetics, phylogeography, speciation and DNA barcoding of numerous taxonomic groups, especially Taxus and Rhododendron. Dr. Gao studied on the phylogeography and conservation genetics of Asian species of Taxus. Based on a phylogeographic analysis of Taxus wallichiana, his research showed high levels of population differentiation and strong phylogeographic pattern.In particular, strong landscape effects were observed in the Hengduan and Dabashan Mountains, where steep mountains and valleys are natural barriers to dispersal. Based on a large-scale sampling, methods of molecular phylogeography, population genetics and species distribution modeling were combined to investigate the effects of orographic uplift and climatic changes on speciation and population demography of Taxus wallichiana. Two distinct lineages were identified and are suspected to have diverged approximately 4.2 (2.0-6.5) Ma, a timescale that corresponds well with the recent uplift of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and subsequent climatic changes of the region. Ecological factors may have further reinforced the separation of the two lineages. The high genetic divergence, long-term isolation and ecological differentiation suggest a scenario of cryptic speciation in T. wallichiana associated with geological and climatic changes in the Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains region. Conservation genetics of yews in Central Himalaya was also investigated using a novel multidisciplinary approach by combining a transect study, population genetics, and ecological modeling. Based on their current distribution range, unstable population structure, low recruitment rates, low genetic diversity and high levels of inbreeding, results indicate that Taxus species will experience a substantial decrease in the size of suitable and a general range shift towards northern clines by the year 2080. Conservation and management strategies, at both the species and landscape levels, was also proposed for sustaining Taxus species. The method of integrative taxonomy, which includes the combination of DNA barcoding, morphological characters of specimens, ecology and distribution range of species, was employed to investigate taxonomy of Taxus and Rhododendron. Here, the taxonomic difficulty of some species were resolved and two new species were described. A collaboration on a large scale plant DNA barcoding project, a new combination of core barcodes for seed plants was proposed, and two highly universal primer pairs for matK and ITS were suggested for gymnosperms. According to case studies, a synopsis of technical notes on the standards for plant DNA barcoding was written and now serves as a benchmark for the development of plant DNA barcoding studies in China. |
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